Skúlastýrisvalið 2024. Hjá skúlanum í Eysturkommunu.


Sum kunnugt verður val til skúlastýrið í Eysturkommunu týsdagin, 12. novembur. 

Hesi eru uppstillað til skúlastýrisvalið:

  • Elena Loredana Nedelcu, Leirvík
  • Elinborg Osvaldsdóttir, Syðrugøta
  • Eydna Lucia Nesá, Syðrugøta
  • Karlina Justinussen, Norðragøta
  • Katrin Ingolfsdóttir Gregersen, Syðrugøta
  • Magnhild Bólstein, Norðragøta
  • Sigmundur Vang, Leirvík


Valið fer fram á lokala valstøðnum, har býráðsvalið eisini fer fram. Valstøðini eru í fimleikarhøllini í Skúlanum í Leirvík og í Víkingahúsinum í Sarpugerði, Norðragøta.

Atkvøðutíðin verður frá kl. 10:00 - kl. 20:00 ella so leingi veljarar møta uttan steðg, og tá ið valið verður lýst liðugt.


Gevið gætur: Atkvøðuseðil til skúlastýrið verður útflýggjaður á valstaðnum.

Valrætt til skúlastýrisvalið

Brot úr kunngerð nr. 86 frá 6. oktober 2008, um at velja foreldraumboð í skúlastýrið og kommunustýrisumboð í felagsskúlastýrið:

§ 2. Valrætt og valbæri til skúlastýrisval hevur hvør tann, sum hevur foreldramyndugleikan yvir barni, sum er skrivað inn í skúlan, sbrt. § 50, stk. 2, nr. 2 í lógini. 

Stk. 2. Eingin kann atkvøða, uttan hann er á vallista.

Stk. 3. Foreldur at barni, sum komandi skúlaár flytur í annan skúla, hevur valrætt og valbæri í tí skúlanum, sum barnið flytur í, sí tó stk. 4.

Stk. 4. Foreldur at barni, sum í styttri tíðarskeið enn eitt skúlaár er í øðrum skúla, hevur ikki valrætt og valbæri í hesum skúla.

Nærri kunning um valrætt og valbæri kann annars lesast á í:

Eisini ber til at lesa, hvussu tú kannar foreldramyndugleika her: Kanna Vangan


Brot úr kunngerð nr. 86 frá 6. oktober 2008, um at velja foreldraumboð í skúlastýri og kommunustýrisumboð í felagsskúlastýri:

§ 16. Veljarar, sum ikki kunnu møta á valdegnum, kunnu við at venda sær til formannin í valnevndini atkvøða við brævatkvøðu í seinasta lagi kl. 18 dagin fyri valdagin.

Stk. 2. Tá ið atkvøtt verður sbrt. stk. 1, fær veljarin ein atkvøðuseðil og ein brævbjálva at leggja atkvøðuseðilin í. Um teir vanligu atkvøðuseðlarnir ikki eru gjørdir, fær veljarin ein valseðil at skriva navnið á valevninum á.


Vegna valnevndina: 

Atli F. Johansen, skúlastjóri og formaður í valnevndini

Nancy Djurhuus, foreldraumboð í valnendini 

Tórun Hansen, umboð í valnevndini vegna kommununa


In English

As you know, the election to the school board in the school in Eysturkommuna will be held on Tuesday, November 12th.

These electoral members are nominated:

  • Elena Loredana Nedelcu, Leirvík
  • Elinborg Osvaldsdóttir, Syðrugøta
  • Eydna Lucia Nesá, Syðrugøta
  • Karlina Justinussen, Norðragøta
  • Katrin Ingolfsdóttir Gregersen, Syðrugøta
  • Magnhild Bólstein, Norðragøta
  • Sigmundur Vang, Leirvík

Election place

The election will take place where your local city council election takes place in the gymnastics hall in Skúlin í Leirvík and in Víkingahúsið in Sarpugerði, Norðragøta.

The voting period will be from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or as long as voters are present.

Ballot paper

The ballot for voting will be handed at the polling station.

Who has the right to vote?

(From " Decree No. 86 of 6 October 2008 on the election of parents' representatives to the school board and municipal representatives to the community school board")

§ 2. Everyone who has parental authority over a child enrolled in school,  §50, item 2, no. 2 of the Act.
Item 2. No one may vote unless she/he is on the electoral roll.
Item 3. The parent of a child who moves to another school in the coming school year has the right to vote in the school to which the child moves. See, however, item 4. 
Parents have the right to vote if they are the legal parents of the child attending the school. This means that it is necessary to have parental authority to have the right to vote. If you are in doubt about your right to vote, here is a way to check if you have parental authority:

Go to the app: Vangin:

Go to "Profile/Vangamynd"
At the bottom of the page it says "Children under 18 years/ Børn undir 18 ár"
If the child(ren) are there, you have parental authority.
 If you are not registered correctly:

Contact the Office of Family Affairs ( (if you are unmarried)
Contact your local pastor if you are married by the priest
Contact the National Register (+298 358050) if you are civilly married.
 "Notification of paternity" and "notification of joint parenting agreement" are not the same.

The latter is necessary to have the right to vote in the school board election.

Parents who are in doubt should investigate the matter and contact the relevant authorities if necessary, so that they can secure their right to vote in the school board election.

Further information on the right to vote and eligibility can also be read on in "Decree no. 86 of 6 October 2008 on the election of parents' representatives to the school board and municipal representatives to the community school board".

If you can´t attend the election

Voters who cannot attend on election day can contact the chairman about the possibility of voting by letter ballot no later than 6 pm on the day before election day.

On behalf of the election committee:

Atli F. Johansen, principal and chairman to the election committee.

Nancy Djurhuus, parents represenatative in the election committee.

Tórun Hansen, represantative for the municipality in the election committee.


Aftur til tíðindi


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